Increase your e-commerce revenue with proven conversion best practices!

Evidoo is the world's largest A/B test database for e-commerce. Apply conversion best practices based on > 3.000 A/B tests.

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This is how it works

Create your account and choose your plan
Proceed to checkout and you have instant access to our A/B test database.
Explore our A/B test database
Discover proven conversion best practices or new testing ideas.
Find your favourite best practices
Implement them directly on your webshop, or A/B test them.
Increase your e-commerce revenue
Our clients achieve 10 - 40% higher conversion by implementing them.

This is what you get

Acces to >3.000 A/B tests. That's a lot of testing to do on your own.
You are in control: filter best practices on pagetype, device and theme.
Save time and money: data-driven inspiration for your backlog in 1 database.
100% e-commerce: all A/B tests have been conducted on e-commerce sites.
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Advantages of using Evidoo

Increase your e-commerce revenue

Our clients achieve 10 - 40% higher conversion by implementing our best practices.

Save time and money

You have instant access to the world's largest A/B test database for eCommerce.

Make decisions based on data

You have access to >3.000 A/B tests. Conducted by award winning CRO agency valantic.

Always stay ahead of your competition

You will receive new best practices and tips in your mailbox every month.

What our customers say

We used Evidoo as a data source to apply proven conversion best practices in the redesign of our international webshops. We realized 47% increase in conversion and we keep optimizing. Must have tool for every e-Commerce store!
Foto Gert Van Doorn Faceretail
Gert van Doorn
Evidoo helps us to realize our conversion KPI's and saves us a lot of time. We use Evidoo as a vital resource for our backlog. Every month we receive new data-driven inspiration. Must have for every e-Commerce site!
Arlette Huisman
Arlette Huisman
We significantly improved our conversion KPI's. This CRO knowledge base gives you instant access to +20 years of experience in e-Commerce optimisation. Evidoo keeps providing us with data-driven inspiration for our A/B test backlog.
Bert Middendorp
Bert Middendorp
e-Commerce Director

Get started with Evidoo today!

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